TCH Annual Conference

TCH Annual Conference

Andreas Lehnert

Andreas Lehnert is Deputy Director of the Division of Financial Stability at the Federal Reserve Board in Washington, DC. Andreas joined the Fed after earning his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Chicago. He started in the household finance research group where he worked on a variety of topics in consumer and mortgage credit. During the financial crisis, he contributed to several projects including various mortgage modification initiatives, the TARP, the 2009 bank stress tests and the TALF. In November 2010 he moved to the Board’s newly created financial stability group where he participates in a variety of ongoing initiatives to promote financial stability, including regulatory reform, the periodic assessment of financial vulnerabilities, the development of macroprudential tools and the design and oversight of the bank stress tests; in addition, he supports the Federal Reserve’s role on the Financial Stability Oversight Council and the Financial Stability Board. His research focuses on financial stability, macroprudential policy, banking, and finance.